Thursday, October 27, 2005

Ozzie gets a Ring

Congratulations to the White Sox on a truly successful year. It has been a joy to watch them put together a team that represents all that is classically good about Baseball. Great pitching and defense, timely hitting, spectacular on-field management, and just enough power to keep other teams' pitching honest. They won all year, just coming toegether and getting better and better, ultimately winning 16 of their last 17 games to be crowned world champs. I really enjoyed watching Ozzie Guillen manage this team. He made them into a team, made them play the right way, advancing runners, bunting, running--some people call it "Small Ball" but I call it Baseball, the way it's supposed to be played. And that's why Steinbrenner's billions can't get him a ring--you can't build a team out of a bunch of multi-millionaire superstars. The Yankees aren't a team--their a loose affiliation of very gifted men with little in common. The White Sox are a team.

Oh, and a shout out to all the long-suffering Cubs fans out there. I know what you're feeling watching the South Siders celebrating a world series championship. I truly feel your pain. I've had to watch the A's win what, FIVE world series? While I have never seen my beloved Giants win even one. And I fear I'm not likely to see them win.

So celebrate, Chicago. Your team has class, style, and were without a doubt the best team in the playoffs. And Ozzie, their manager, is a treasure. Do NOT let him get away.


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